To address these problems, I started with fixing the landing page. I took the original landing page content and combined it with the about page, where it was more appropriate. Next was determining what goes on the landing page? What is Mariella trying to achieve? What dose the visitor need to see and be directed to? These are all important questions that need to be answered in order to create a compelling landing page. So I restructured the page with a hero section with a fitting header, sub header, and call to action button. The call to action button linked to the "packages" page where visitors could view services she offers. Those packages were then each redesigned to have a call to action button of their own leading to the contact page. Under the hero section I next added portfolio section showcasing her portfolio highlights. This would enhance her business legitimacy and professional image by giving social proof and examples of prior work. Under that I put two additional sections about the packages and about Mariella, followed by contact form. For the final touches I redid the typography and minimized her logo to make it look more elite.
To address these problems, I started with fixing the landing page. I took the original landing page content and combined it with the about page, where it was more appropriate. Next was determining what goes on the landing page? What is Mariella trying to achieve? What dose the visitor need to see and be directed to? These are all important questions that need to be answered in order to create a compelling landing page. So I restructured the page with a hero section with a fitting header, sub header, and call to action button. The call to action button linked to the "packages" page where visitors could view services she offers. Those packages were then each redesigned to have a call to action button of their own leading to the contact page. Under the hero section I next added portfolio section showcasing her portfolio highlights. This would enhance her business legitimacy and professional image by giving social proof and examples of prior work. Under that I put two additional sections about the packages and about Mariella, followed by contact form. For the final touches I redid the typography and minimized her logo to make it look more elite.