Website Design / Web Development / Copywriting / Business Card Design
David needed a website to establish a small online presence for his business. This website was created with pure code alone. The photography was done by Greg Scafidi Photography based in San Francisco California. Together we combined our services to create a professional landing page for David's business. Additionally I made David unique business cards for his services.
website mockup
This project required a clean design, custom illustrations, custom professional photography, and value to the client viewing it. This was also true for the business card.
I partnered with Greg Scafidi Photography to secure professional photos of our client, David. Afterwards, we enhanced the image using Photoshop before incorporating it into the website. In an effort to provide further benefit for David's prospective clients, I integrated a segment on the website and the business card suggesting what they should communicate to law enforcement if they get into trouble. For the business card, I opted for a creative twist on the "Get out of jail" Monopoly concept. This innovative design coupled with the valuable advice on the card's reverse side constitutes a definite keeper in anyone's wallet.
hover to see back side